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Red Kite Learning Trust


Arts Committee

Arts committeeThis year, our fantastic Arts Committee will work alongside Mrs Alderson (our school Art Teacher) and Mrs Ritchie (the Music Subject Lead) to promote‘The Arts’ across our school, whether that be in drama, performance, art or music.

They might be creating artwork to improve our school environment, acting as technicians during Mrs Alderson’s art club and supporting in school singing assemblies, as well as scouting for musical and artistic talent across school and promoting the wider opportunities that are available in school or across our local area.


This year, our fantastic Arts Committee will work alongside Mrs Alderson (our school Art Teacher) and Mrs Ritchie (the Music Subject Lead) to promote‘The Arts’ across our school, whether that be in drama, performance, art or music.

They might be creating artwork to improve our school environment, acting as technicians during Mrs Alderson’s art club and supporting in school singing assemblies, as well as scouting for musical and artistic talent across school and promoting the wider opportunities that are available in school or across our local area.

Hannah Alderson

Mrs Alderson


Miss K Barrett

Mrs Ritchie


Oatlands Junior School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH